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Harshit Prasad

Tech Lead - @blinkit, all about search systems - data and infrastructure stuff. Loves to talk about distributed systems and open source.

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Attended tech conference hosted by OpenSearch community in Bengaluru, India 2024 as Speaker.

The OpenSearch conference happened for the first time this year in India and I’m glad to be part of this conference as speaker. My talk focused on how Blinkit is using OpenSearch to process millions of search queries on a daily basis along with schematic & architectural challenges & optimizations solved that makes our search experience feel magical and seamless in quick commerce.

opensearchcon_speaker_stage OpenSearchCon 2024 Speaker Stage

Overall, the conference was really interesting. It give me the opportunity to connect with other tech leaders from different organizations using OpenSearch. It helped me to understand how OpenSearch can be leveraged for different type of usecases. Also, I got the chance to directly interact with the super-cool OpenSearch team as well.

My talk can be found on the YouTube.

Looking forward to next OpenSearchCon soon!