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Harshit Prasad

Software Engineer - @blinkit, all about search systems - data and infrastructure stuff. Loves to talk about distributed systems and open source.

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My second international tech talk in EuroPython 2021.

Followed by PyCon Sweden, it was a great experience. I decided to apply this year as well. EuroPython is Europe’s largest Python conference and I got a good chance here to present my talk here. This conference talk was also remote but, the audience was very much engaging in remote setup as well. I explained a lot of things related to producer consumer design pattern and building realtime systems with incremental indexing support. Covered various stuff around how they can be solved and implemented by using Elasticsearch, Kafka and Python. In this talk, I discussed about implementing a realtime streaming system using Kafka and FastAPI with async processes.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/harshit98/Retail-Updates-Streamer

Take Away Points

  • Prepare 1-2 months before the conference.
  • Make sure your talk should cover unique content.
  • Audience don’t want to hear what they already know from internet.
  • Reserve 5 mins at the end of your talk. Interact with audience at the end via Q/A session.

Ending this blog post, I will be having some other plans in tech due to which I will be taking a break from the tech conferences. Will be back soon!