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Harshit Prasad

Tech Lead - @blinkit, all about search systems - data and infrastructure stuff. Loves to talk about distributed systems and open source.

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My international tech conference talk in PyCon Australia 2023.

Fast forward, last time I gave the talk in year 2021. It’s been 2 years since I haven’t participated in any tech conference. This year I decided to get back into the game and time I participated as speaker in PyCon Australia 2023. I gave a talk on writing reliable services at scale and establishing such culture within team or organisation. I also highlighted about observability driven development and it’s importance. Indeed, this was something new as a topic on which I gave the talk.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/harshit98/Observability-Driven-Culture

Take Away Points

  • Prepare 1-2 months before the conference.
  • Make sure your talk should cover unique content.
  • Audience don’t want to hear what they already know from internet.
  • Reserve 5 mins at the end of your talk. Interact with audience at the end via Q/A session.

Stay tuned! More tech talks are going to be published on my website soon.